The hospital chapter has a fully playable intro and action sequence.
Cristy and Jeremy chapter has new scenes and all sorts of mechanical tweaks.
Here's a list of edits (spoilers):
Fire extinguisher to break doorknob, gotta wait for gramp
Throw flowerpot, does nothing lol
Throwing books does nothing
Trying to hit zombie with fire extinguisher is too hard, get killed
Pushing zombie is a slow stall, only works half the time
Player bleed after bit, bloody animation
Short time to search the room
Go out window is death
Turn lights out and hide in locker or under beds buys time, but zombie will reappear
Hallway is death
Sandra checks the intercom before stepping back
Zombie breaking in will interrupt and kill
Bullets can't travel through walls Player can hide in various objects to escape zombies Player can shelter behind doorways Zombies can detect player from further distances if lights or flashlight are on Zombies go toward gunshots / loud noises Zombies cannot detect player around corners Edited room objects so bullets won't get stuck Editing hit point system Bullet collision more accurate Synchronizing alert / battle music to enemy attacks
Flashlight cannot clip through walls Zombie alert sound and balloon defaults edited Added more animals More audio balancing, fade ins, piano and e piano Balancing weather sounds